Well here I go... I just want to thank Audrey Williams for giving me this bloggie award. Audrey is one of the most caring and sweetest person I know. I have known Audrey and her husband, Ben for alittle over 3 years now. I am very thankful that God sent this couple my way. They have been there in times of encouragement, times of stress (which has been a ton here lately all summed up in one word WEDDING), and in times of happiness. My fiance and I know Audrey throw our church. Her husband is the Youth Pastor there. Through discipleship with Ben and Audrey. My life, as well as, my fiance's life has dramatically changed. It is awesome what God is doing in our life. Audrey has helped me out so much with my wedding stuff and overcoming the stress that comes with the wedding and marriage. I am so grateful that I have a friend like her.
now that i have followed the first rule of the blog award (thanking Audrey) i will tell you the next 3 rules: pass the award to 7 other bloggers, tell them they've won the award, & tell 7 things about yourself. Well since i am new to this blog thing and don't have many friends i talk to on a normal basis i am going to nominate 3 so here i go:
I nominate the following extraordinary bloggers:
Audrey from the Joys of raising Jack. Like I said above Audrey is a sweet person with a humble and uplifting spirit. I am super excited that Audrey is one of my bridesmaids in my wedding. She has been one of my closest friends during this whole wedding process. Believe me, I have needed tons of help. I am clueless when it comes to wedding stuff. I enjoy reading Audrey's blog. Her uplifting info on life, marriage, and family keep me focused. Her words of encouragement about giving it all to God has helped me a lot here lately and I am so thankful for that.
Katie from the Kublers. Katie is one of the most creative person that i know. She can take dirt and turn it into the most unbelievable decor. I love that about her. She is also one of the best deal finders. Her husband Josh is also in my wedding. He is one of my fiance's groomsman and he is also playing his guitar at our wedding. I am super excited. Katie's blog ensures my that Terry and I can do this whole marriage thing as long as we have God first.
Brittany from the Dalomba days. Brittany is one of the most hilarious people I know. She can definately make you bust a gut when she tells you some of her ER stories. It is great. Brittany and her husband, Job, have also been very encouraging to Terry and I throughout this engagement process. The are a sweet couple. Job is also one of Terry's groomsman in our wedding. In the past year they have built a friendship and I am thankful for that because my fiance, Terry needs that.
God has really placed worship ministry on his heart and Job, Josh, and Ben have really helped him through this.
now i must contact these 3 girls about their award.
Oh goodness, here we go... 7 Things about me:
1. I love spending time with my fiance.
2. I enjoy making cakes.
3. I can't stand Walmart even though it seems that, that is where my fiance and i tend to end up every date night.
4. My new favorite movie is Avatar. I don't know why it is just one of those movies that i can just watch over and over.
5. I love doing people's hair for their wedding, prom, or just to go out.
6. I love to decorate.
7. I absolutely love the color chocolate brown and the way it goes with just about anything.
That's it. All done. feel free to follow all the rules or you can just list the 7 things about yourself. Hope you have a great weekend and try to stay dry!