Wow! It has been forever since I blogged last. I have never been so super excited in my life till now. Terry and I have 22 days till we are married. So Ready for this! So in the past two weeks I have had two showers. The Howard shower was my bathroom and bedroom shower. My Aunt's got my bedding set. We got a tons of nice bathroom decor. I love everything. Terry and I got brown towels, which Terry needed. The day after we got them I decided to go ahead and wash them, but what i didn't realize is that the brown towels would make tons of brown lent for a while. Oh my gosh the brown fuzzies have been ridiculous! We have yet to get them out of the closet. The second shower was thrown by Mrs. Mary Fore. The cake was so pretty. This shower was with my coworkers from Daycare and some of my moms closest friends. At this shower the guests were ask to bring recipes for my recipe book. Terry and I are so grateful for all the gifts that we have received. So the details are going great with the wedding. I decided to let my bridesmaids carry lanterns instead of flowers. My flower girls and ring bearer are going barefoot, which i think is super cute. I am so ready to be married but I do have to admit that I am unbelievably nervous about standing in front of people. So some very unfortunate things have been happening to us. About a week ago, I found out that I don't have a photographer for the wedding. Terry and I were really excited about this particular person taking our pics, but unfortunately what she said she needed to charge us, Terry and I just couldn't afford. I really hate it because i was looking forward to it. Since then, I have checked with 6 other people a couple of people that Terry's Aunt Heather knows and some people that other people knew. The most unfortunate thing about it everyone was either booked or was going out of town. I am just going to continue to pray about it and hope that someone comes about that is reasonably priced and that will do their best to gets good snapshots of Terry and I on our BIG day.
It is so hard to believe that Terry and I have been together for 5 years and 7 months. Terry and I starting dating on November 20, 2004. We met at DeSoto Central in our Sophomore year of high school. We were Sophomore Sweethearts and that year was so super sweet and fun! The past 5 years has flown by. It has been filled with ups and downs,laughing and crying, and so much more. Meeting Terry has been the best thing that has ever happened. I have never met anyone that i am more compatible with than him. He is the most amazing, thoughtful, and caring person ever. I love him so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. 22 Days please hurry up!!!